The 11 Best Paraphrasing Tools You Need to Know About

By David Unwin •  Updated: 01/10/23 •  Teaching Tools

A paraphrasing tool is not only helpful in the education space because it can speed up the mundane writing work performed day to day such student feedback and reports, it can also be used to help write reports, papers and blog posts much more quickly.

The word “paraphrase” literally means to “speak in other terms” and is typically associated with saying something that is long and complex into a more simple and understood form.

A paraphrasing tool rewords your articles and sentences with ease.

The big advantage to using a paraphrasing tool for students is that it rewords paragraphs into different forms as a way to help students understand the importance of what is being said, what should be remembered, and what can be ignore in a paragraph.

It can also help you the teacher simply write faster. Assignments for your master degree or PhD, student feedback and any other sort of writing, you’ll find a writing assistant / paraphrasing tool to be essential.

How do writing assistant / paraphrasing tools work?

Years ago paraphrasing tools were nothing more than content spinners. That is, they would swap out adjectives with related adjectives and nouns with related nouns. The end result was usually a big mess that required you to rewrite the paragraph anyways.

But now with AI, there are a lot of great options that use artificial intelligence to rewrite your copy fast and effectively. What are some some of the best paraphrasing tools? Let’s get to it.

For these examples we will be using the following paragraph in each tool:

Drug kingpin turned entrepreneur and activist Mike Jones, founder of ConBody, needed a story that was authentic and respectfully articulated his past but also conveyed his passion to create change in the wake of his personal mistakes.

Jasper Ai – Best AI writing assistant and paraphrasing tool

Jasper AI simply uses AI to rewrite your paragraphs. It’s honestly a game changer as it produces quality content quickly and easily. If you need to write reviews for students, a long form paper for an advanced degree you’re working on, blog content or you simply need an immediate re-write of a piece of text then Conversion AI is our top choice.

Let’s see how it works:

We tried out this tool on a few of our own published content here at Teach and GO and were shocked by how fast, effective and accurate their “content improver” is. You can set the tone of voice, it gives you multiple paragraph options to choose from and is fast.

Conversion AI is somewhat expensive in that it costs a monthly membership, but if you’re going to be writing a lot of content it’s well worth the price of entry as it allows you to create content much more quickly. Also, you can add up to three members for one account so if you want to split the price with some friends or you want to bring a freelance writer on temporarily you can.

Let’s take our example paragraph and see what Conversion AI comes up with:

The AI rewrote this in under 5 seconds to the paragraph above. As you can read, it’s grammatically correct and requires minimal editing. One thing to note however is to not rely on the accuracy of what the AI puts out.

Sometimes it tends to just “wing it” and write something that may be untrue. For example, was ConBody really called Mike’s boot camp? Little things like this you’ll have to check.

But overall, Conversion AI is simply amazing with which the speed you’re able to write, paraphrase and reword sentences. You can get started with a free trial, but we suggest upgrading your account and trying it out for a full month.

Jasper AI

Our go-to AI writing tool for paraphrasing, reports, student feedback and more. Essential for anyone serious about speeding up their writing.

Chat GBT – The best free paraphrasing tool

Chat GBT is taking the internet by storm by providing a powerful, free tools to write content quickly. You can ask Chat GBT to write you jokes, find accurate detailed answers to questions, code for you and of course paraphrase.

Let’s see how Chat GBT did:

To get the AI to paraphrase you do need to established the prompt “paraphrase” or “paraphrase the following paragraph” in order to Chat GBT to understand what you want it to do. You can also set other various parameters as you like.

For example, you could tell it to “paraphrase the following paragraph using complex sentences, analogies and vocabular for someone with a PHD level education.”

If you’ve not yet tried Chat GBT, you’re missing out on a very powerful, helpful tool for teachers.

Quillbot – A good rewrite tool

This is the most popular free, paraphrasing tool. What it does is it automatically takes away, adds or changes words in order to create a brand new sentence.

Let’s see how it performed:

Not bad. What we like about Quillbot is that it gives you the option to “requill” and have it come up with something new. Sometimes you’ll get sentences that are pretty poorly written, other times you’ll get minor changes like the above example.

Quillbot, for being a free tool was simple and easy to use. By reworking and article enough times, you could come up with something fairly unique if you’re willing to put in the work and add a bit more too it. – Simple and mediocre

A very clever and original domain name if we do say so, is another free tool to spin text in order to create new content. Curious to see how it performed? Let’s throw our paragraph in and find out:

Wow, terrible, just terrible. What the heck is a medication boss? Turned business person and extremist? Ha, this actually quite laughable at how silly this became. Now, if you were looking to create content that was totally different I would give this tool an A+ in terms of it’s ability to spin content.

But if you’re looking for something to paraphrase, this is not actually a paraphrase tool. It’s an article spinner more ideal for SEO. Unlike Quillbot where you could simply click a button to “requill” the article and come up with something different, with Paraphrasing tool I would need to enter a captcha each and every time.

Paraphrase Online – Free, simple and mediocre

Another basic paraphrase website that’s free is Paraphrase Online. Like the previous tool it is pretty bad but at least it’s free. The way it works is that you copy and paste in an short 2 to 3 sentence paragraph and Paraphrase Online will rewrite and paraphrase the text for you.

We put in our test sentence to see how it would work and this was the result:

Again, pretty unusable and more work to rewrite the paragraph. Also, what is a “sedate boss” or an individual botches? Overall, if you’re in need of a free tool this is something to be aware of, but overall we were quite disappointed and will be sticking to Conversion AI as our go-to writing assistant.

EDU Birdie – Writing tools for free

EDU Birdie is first and foremost a writing and essay service aimed at students. If you’re in need of an essay and want someone to write a rough draft for you, then consider EDU Birdie. However, they do offer a wide variety of free tools including a paraphrasing tool.

When using EDU Birdie’s paraphrasing tool, it worked a little different than the others. First it highlights various words within the text and then for each highlighted word you’re able to select an appropriate synonym. The end result being a fairly unique article.

Let’s take a look:

Overall we were not too impressed with this tool. It’s quite manual and the synonym options were pretty poor making the sentence structures totally illogical. But again, it’s free to use so if you want some inspiration for your writing then it’s worth checking out.

Rewriter Tools – Unique content somewhat

Rewriter tools is built in the same manner as Quillbot. It’s easy to use, automatic and it transforms a piece of text well enough to form the foundation of a new article.

If you’re a blogger we would obviously stay far away from such tools, but if you’re wanting to paraphrase a piece of text it works well enough for a free tool

How did it perform? Let’s take a look:

Not bad. Some sentence structures make little sense, but overall it gives enough variety where you could take this paragraph and switch a few things around in order to create a unique piece of content.

Project Topic – A free paraphrase tool

Project Topic did well at creating a unique article. What we liked about Project Topic was that it’s paraphrasing tool allow us to “ignore” specific words in the text. This could be helpful for say a teacher who does not want the software changing a students first and last name on a whim.

What we did not like however that I had to submit and then resubmit a captcha in order to have the software “do over” the article if I was not happy with what came out the first time.

Overall, for a free paraphrasing tool it’s good enough to rewrite simple sentence structures.

Article Rewriter – The minimalist option

The article rewriter tool was one of the best tools on the list for adding in more sophisticated words that made the sentences sound more natural and not like a robot wrote them. Take a look:

The only thing we found annoying about Article Rewriter was the use of a math problem as a captcha. The math problem is written in word form but you’re supposed to answer with a number.

Also, when the answer to the problem was a negative number (like what is four minus ten), it would not accept the correct answer. So our writing staff had to refresh a few times in order for it to give me a math problem that could be answered with a positive number.

In terms of quality, its acceptable but like a lot of other free tools simply made up phrases that make no sense like “medication boss” again for some reason.

Prepost SEO – Awful

The worst on the list, Prepost SEO created text that was confusing to read and would require the same amount of time to fix it as it would take to simply write something new and coherent. Prepost SEO I suspect is using  the same software as numerous other “free paraphrasing tools” because the first 6 tools on this list created fairly unique content while the rest of the tools (including Prepost SEO) all created similar results. 

Take a look:

Activist microphone?  Conjointly sent? Form a modification within the wake of his personal mistakes? I have no idea why this software would choose any of these words. There are many other options, I would pass on this tool.

Dupli checker – Multi suite of free tools

Dupli checker is free suite of tools including a paraphrasing tool, reverse image search and a plagiarism checker. With regards to the paraphrasing tool, these were the results we got from the rewrite of our sentence:

Like all the other free tools, it’s just mediocre. This paragraph requires a lot of rewriting and become more work to simply rewrite it than it’s worth. The tool also made phrases that simply don’t make sense like “activist microphone Jones.”

If you want a free suite of tools that can help somewhat, we can suggest checking out Dupli Checker. But if you’re in need of something more serious then you’ll want to turn your attention to Conversion AI.

Conclusion – The BEST Paraphrasing Tool?

Without a doubt, Conversion AI is our top choice, beating out Quillbot (our original top pick). Yes it’s a paid tool, but if you’re serious about speeding up your writing this is about as good as it gets.

It’s a real AI software that rewrites sentences correctly and a whole lot more. From instantly writing introduction paragraphs, conclusions, and paraphrasing, to writing product descriptions, YouTube video descriptions, long form blog posts and more. This tool will enable you to write much more quickly

Conversion AI is also perfect for those pesky student feedback forms online with online teaching companies. Now you can write a feedback paragraph and have Conversion AI re-write it. Overall, when you’re ready to get serious and move beyond free paraphrasing tools, sign up to Conversion AI and let Jarvis do the writing for you.

Jasper AI

Our go-to AI writing tool for paraphrasing, reports, student feedback and more. Essential for anyone serious about speeding up their writing.

David Unwin

I've taught as an ESL teacher in Thailand for 5+ years at all levels of education, from elementary to University. I was also one of the first 1000 VIPKID teachers. Here I create content on teaching abroad, online and helpful tips for the classroom. Learn more.

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